Author Archives: CWCC

Tips for generating business in the New Year

By Jayne Sanders, Scientific Hand Analyst and CWCC Member


Take purposeful action! That is the #1 tip I used in 2014 that propelled my business forward, and it will work for many of you in 2015. Here are some of the actions I took:

  • Search groups on and attend as many as possible that resonate with you or seem to fit your client niche. I went to 2-5 meetings a week for several months! I met some great women, generated leads and clients, made some great contributions, had fun, and made new friends. After attending several meetings for each group, it was easier for me to determine which were the best fit, both for my business and for me personally.
  • Join organizations, like CWCC, that feel good, that you feel you can contribute to, and whose members fit your client niche. I have joined 4 organizations in the past year that I enjoy very much.
  • Within my 30-second commercial for these meetings, I requested, “In addition to new clients, I am looking for speaking engagements and for people who would like to host a simple easy home party for their friends and earn a free hand analysis.” The resulting speaking engagements and home parties were a major income source for me, and still are. And, I was able to reach more people and help them discover their life purpose and ideal work! Win-Win!
  • Also pursue speaking engagements through other methods…web search, referrals during networkings, etc.
  • During your speaking engagements (and/or home parties if appropriate), be sure to do 4 things: 1. Offer content of value to the participants. For example, I teach people how to identify markings in their own hands and what those markings mean, they love that! 2. Be fun and engaging. 3. Communicate the benefits of your product or service, and 4. Make a special offer for that day only, and don’t belabor it. Distribute a form for them to fill out…make it easy for them to buy. By the end of your presentation, if you’ve set things up properly with interest and value, many of the participants will want to know how to get more and how much it costs!

I hope these tips are helpful for you! The key is to get out there and go for it. Exposure is the only way for potential clients to learn about you, and nothing beats personal face-to-face rapport. Good luck and Happy New Year!


Jayne Sanders
Scientific Hand Analyst
jayneMain450x600About Jayne Sanders
Jayne Sanders is a Scientific Hand Analyst and Life Purpose Coach who helps people discover their innate life purpose, special gifts, and blind spots for more joy, fulfillment, and abundance. The lines in your hands mimic the neural pathways in your brain and provide a blueprint for who you are and why you’re here. Clients call it shockingly accurate, amazing, life-changing, cathartic, fascinating! Reach Jayne at 303-828-8333,, or


What Are You Doing to Generate Business in the New Year?

By Andrea Sims, Independent Consultant, Rodan + Fields Dermatologist and CWCC Member

Rodan Image

Entrepreneurs often live with the hope that if they build it, customers will come. But in today’s economy, it takes a lot more than hope to get people to purchase your products or services: New business-building practices are a must if you want to expand.

One necessary element is a clear-cut plan for growth. But many entrepreneurs get obsessed with creating the perfect plan. Or they never get around to putting one together. Crafting a plan is necessary, quick and effective. Create a road map that will infuse new energy, enthusiasm and vision into your company’s growth plans.

  1. Start by writing down your Goals. Eat That Frog By Brian Tracy discusses the importance of writing down daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals. There was a fascinating study conducted on the 1979 Harvard MBA program where graduate students were asked “have you set clear, written goals for your future and made plans to accomplish them?”  The result, only 3% had written goals and plans, 13% had goals but they weren’t in writing and 84% had no goals at all. Ten years later, the same group was interviewed again and the result was absolutely mind-blowing.The 13% of the class who had goals, but did not write them down was earning twice the amount of the 84% who had no goals. The 3% who had written goals were earning, on average, ten times as much as the other 97% of the class combined! While this study only looks at earnings to quantify success, I still find it to be an extremely motivating example of why creating clear and measurable goals and writing them down is a key to success.
  1. For many of us, networking, and creating and building new relationships is the key to creating new leads and revenue. Identify which networking organizations are providing you the right connections. Attending too many groups may leave you scattered, feeling disorganized and leave little time for following up with the connections you have made. Avoid being a professional card collector. Imagine that every card you have given or collected is worth $100 dollars and follow-up with your new connections. They may or may not need the services you provide, but they may have just the right connection you are looking for. Never prejudge and “Go For No”. Should you receive a no, DON’T TAKE IT PERSONALLY! That “yes”  may be that next contact.
  1. Be A Go Giver! I recommend reading the book “Go Givers Sell More” by Bob Burg. Have you ever met an individual who was so interested in what you were doing and looking for ways to provide you assistance in making connections or building your business that when you walked away from the conversation, you really weren’t sure what it was that they too were representing? Being a Go Giver is about creating relationships, building trust and looking for ways to support others in business. Individuals conduct business with people they like and trust. During conversations ask questions. Be ready to listen and be prepared to share little about your personal business. Ask if they wouldn’t mind connecting on social media, most often Linked In. After the interaction, follow-up with the individual and provide any potential connections you are able to make for them and share more about your business at that time. When a referral for your business comes up, you will be the first person to come to mind due to the relationship that you have fostered.

As an independent business owner, I understand the delicate balance between making new connections, fostering new relationships, generating new leads and following up. Remember that a sale is never made during your first interaction with someone. It all starts with a goal and a plan. I heard this along the way, that if you find that you have run out of individuals to connect with or potential new business, get out of your office or house because veryone there knows what you do. Here’s to a prosperous and successful 2015!

Rodan + Fields

About Andrea Sims
Andrea Sims is a Premier Level V Executive Consultant with Rodan + Fields Dermatologist focusing on Changing Skin and Changing Lives. Andrea is from WI and has been living in Colorado for 20 years. Prior to starting her own business in partnership with the doctors who created Proactiv Solutions she had a successful 12 year career as a corporate trainer. For the last 4 years she has worked with entrepreneurs in the U.S. to coach, mentor and train them to start their own business and create virtual franchises within a $99 billion global industry. In addition, she provides a dermatological product line treating numerous skin care conditions focusing on anti-aging, sun damage, acne, and sensitive skin conditions like rosacea, and eczema. Their new product “Fills a Wrinkle While You Sleep, No Needles Required!”

5 Ways To Help Busy Women Get Healthy in 2015

By Dr. Pamela Havlen, Skyline Internal Medicine and CWCC Member


Looking forward to 2015, many people make resolutions to get healthy — from eating better, to losing weight, to quitting bad habits — but we often need a little assistance to get started. Especially for busy working women and those with families, this can be a challenge. From long work days, to chauffeuring kids around to making meals and doing laundry, there seems to be a little time to focus on personal health.

I know this challenge well as a working mother and have five tips on how busy women can get healthy in 2015.

1.  Make Realistic Goals
Know what you can and cannot take on. Hitting the gym for two hours a day may not be an option, but finding 30 minutes to take a brisk walk can be. Changing your diet completely can be challenging with small children, but making better food choices each meal is a great first step.

For weight loss, you may have a long-term goal of losing 50 pounds, but that can be incredibly daunting. Start small with a goal of losing just 10 percent of your weight. Studies have shown that, by just cutting only 10 percent of your overall weight, you will lower your blood pressure and cholesterol and reduce your risk for diabetes.

2.  Get Active
One of the most important aspects for your health, and often one of the most challenging, is to make time to get active. Schedule it into your daily routine, blocking out the time without letting work or home life interfere. Make this your time. I know that this can be difficult, so it is important to get the support of your family and friends to make this happen.

3.  Cut Bad Habits
If you smoke, make it a priority to quit. Make sure to drink alcohol only in moderation, and cut out other bad habits like soda, sugary coffee drinks or snacking on fatty foods. Eliminating these bad habits will have an immediate impact on your health.  I know this all seems logical, but putting it into practice is important.

4.  Keep your Sanity
Mental health is very important, especially for a woman with a demanding career and family life. You need to manage your sanity by realizing that you can’t do everything. Focus on what is most important. It is OK to turn down invitations or bow out of activities if you have too much going on. Keep work at work and home at home. Working to create balance in all that you do won’t just assist your mental health, but it can have true physical benefits as well.

5.  Visit Your Doctor
Make it a point to see your doctor every year. There are many diseases that can lie dormant for years without presenting any symptoms, while doing damage to your body. Also, having a regular doctor who is familiar with your routine and health can help save time if there is a sudden illness or injury. Often, your family physician will work around your busy schedule to get you in and taken care of right away.

As a working mother myself, I know how challenging making these changes can be. I always tell my patients that their health is 10 percent their doctor but 90 percent them. That said, your doctor can help you discuss your health priorities, define realistic goals and offer expert tips to help you get healthy. We’re part of your team in overall health!



About Dr. Pamela Havlen
Dr. Pamela Havlen is a physician who practices at Skyline Internal Medicine focusing on internal medicine. Dr. Havlen graduated from University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston Texas in 2003. She was recognized as Chief Resident and served during 2002 – 2003. Before joining Skyline Internal Medicine in July of 2013, Dr. Havlen served as Assistant Professor, Division of General Internal Medicine, in the Department of Internal Medicine with the University of Texas Medical Branch in League City, Texas.




By Amy Shoemaker, Founder, Amy L Shoemaker Partnerships, LLC and CWCC Member

As we prepare to celebrate the fresh beginnings of a new year, we are drawn to reflect on the people we appreciate.   How often do we take them for granted?

  • The employees who show up daily and do a great job for us; which makes our lives so much easier.
  • The sales people who go out of their way to assist us in finding the perfect gift, an outfit that fits, or serve us a warm meal. They still smile at us, even when our tone of voice is weary and stressed.
  • The person who holds the door for you, instead of letting it close in your face.
  • The neighbor who picks up your garbage can when it blows over and you never know who helped.
  • The hair stylist who compliments you when you are feeling your worst.
  • The stranger who catches your eye on the sidewalk and you exchange smiles.

During the recession, 2 Brothers started their lawn mowing business after both were laid off.  They hung a flyer on my door, so I gave them a chance.  They were always punctual, would call to reschedule if the weather didn’t cooperate, and left a well groomed yard.  I was thrilled!  Their first Christmas, they left a $25 gift card to a local butcher in the mailbox for their customers with a Thank You note.   I sent them a note in return and complimented them on all the ways I appreciated them.  One of the brothers called that Sunday and said I was the only customer who sent them a thank you note.  We talked for a half hour about their new business, how their first year had gone, what it was like to be business owners for the first time.  They were some of the special people I miss since I moved to Colorado.

I invite you throughout this new year, to express your appreciation to the people in your life who bring you joy, are dependable, show you kindness, and go out of their way to make your day pleasant.  Who are the unsung heroes at your company who do a great job every day and often get over looked?

  • The long term employee, you can always count on. They never give you grief or drama.
  • The employee in accounting who delivers your financials on a timely basis so you can make informed decisions.
  • The employee in Information Technology who updates your computer software while you are sleeping so they don’t disrupt your day.
  • The receptionist who always smiles and says Good Morning, even when you are grumpy.
  • The process people who keep your business running smoothly so you can serve your customers.

With the New Year fast approaching, who will you appreciate each day?  How do you appreciate other people throughout the year?


Amy Shoemaker Headshot 2014Amy Shoemaker utilizes 18 years of experience as a Vice President in
entrepreneurial mid-size, and Fortune 500 corporations, including Farm
Credit Bank, Via Christi Health Systems, Koch     Industries, Knight Ridder, Cox Communications,  Pizza Hut, multi-state banking, and Kennedy and Coe to develop her clients’ leadership skills, employee engagement and business growth. Her passion includes partnering with leaders to obtain their full potential through executive business coaching and leadership development, creating a succession plan through developing their managers, merger and acquisition leadership integration, and strategic human resource initiatives to drive business growth.