Tag Archives: networking tips

Effective networking: mystery, myth or reality?

By Susan Allard, Business Development Representative at Public Service Credit Union and CWCC Member

Susan Allard

Networking [net-wurk-ing]
: an association of individuals having a common interest, formed to provide mutual assistance, helpful information, or the like.

Whether newly venturing into the business community or a seasoned expert, networking is a necessary activity – meeting those that can connect us with a potential client or resource, provide useful advice or help us brainstorm new ideas are essential in our growth and development.  However, you may ask yourself, “Does networking really work?”

  1. Mystery: How do I meet people that are my ideal client?
    Myth: I need to grab all of the business cards I can.
    Reality: If you want to give yourself a follow-up hangover then you just succeeded. If you really want to be effective, network with a purpose. We call this research – know the audience, find those you want to meet and make a list.
  1. Mystery: Once I meet my ideal connection(s), how do I talk about my business?
    Myth: I’ll just blurt out what I do and sell them on the spot. They’ll listen to me.
    Reality: OK, stop right there. You just lost at the letter “I.” Be the listener.  Ask for their name and what they do, then just absorb the information. Ask leading, specific questions that can be answered with short, succinct sentences. Then respond the same way when they ask. If their business isn’t a fit for you, it might be for someone else you know and vice versa.
  1. Mystery: How do I walk away from someone that isn’t my ideal target?
    Myth:  When they stop talking, I’ll jump to my next potential connection.
    Reality: Hate to tell you this, but that person may try to bend your ear a lot longer than you had hoped and you won’t get a word in edgewise. Don’t be afraid to stop them.  Find a break when they take a breath or end a sentence.  If that becomes difficult, interrupt. Thank them for their time and be honest; you came to this event to meet several connections. You aren’t being rude, you are being real. If you are on the other end, please don’t take it as an insult – but do learn how to respond to questions with short answers. After all, you have a purpose, too.
  1. Mystery: How do I follow-up with the good connections I make?Myth: I’ll just schedule a bunch of coffee appointments.
    Reality:  Don’t know about you, but I can only handle so many lattes and the same for the lower half of my body. However, it takes time to drive to the appointment, sit there and talk then drive back to work. You have already met face-to-face; send an email, schedule a call and have a chat. You’ll accomplish more in less time and save yourself some gas and extra time at the gym.

In closing, network with a goal – you’ll be much more successful!

Sweatworking: The Benefits of Taking Networking From the Bar to the Gym.

By Jenn DeWall, Owner of Jenn DeWall Life & Career Coaching and
CWCC Member

Jenn DeWall

When was the last time you broke a sweat? If you’re living in Denver the chances are high that it was within the last few days. Why not kill two birds with one stone and add networking to it?  Sweatworking is the new emerging trend on how to engage and meet with clients.   Sweatworking activities vary from walking, to barre or spin classes and more.  It’s perfect for those that want to get out of the bar scene and create a shared experience with someone in a more meaningful and healthier way.

4 Benefits of Sweatworking

  1. It creates a deeper relationship. Sweatworking creates an immediate shared experience where individuals can connect with each other over at a deeper level.  No one likes to be “sold” to when they’re meeting, they want to establish a more authentic relationship.  Through sweatworking you’re better able to see each other as individuals versus the product or service they offer. This can more quickly increase likeability and trust which ultimately can improve your bottom line performance.
  2. Work-life balance. With so many things to juggle, sweatworking creates a perfect opportunity to prioritize both your health and business simultaneously.  You can maintain your healthy goals and even create more time to do other things you love because you don’t have to squeeze a workout in at the end of the day.
  3. You will save money. Instead of spending a few hundred dollars to entertain a client or potential partnership, you can invest in a per class fee which can range from $15-$25 a person.  Any additional money can be spent on smoothies or a healthy meal.  No one wants to waste their workout by drinking a bottle of wine and having a high fat meal afterwards (Okay maybe sometimes we do but it won’t be a lot).
  4. It’s perfect for introverts. Networking can be overbearing, especially if you’re an introvert.  By doing a shared experience it immediately offers a topic of conversation between the individuals.  It’s a perfect way to initiate small talk versus the sometimes uncomfortable approach to an individual you don’t know.  Plus, the endorphins gained from the workout will help boost your energy and confidence better helping you connect with others.

Have you done sweatworking?  If so, what were the benefits that you found and what did you do?

About Jenn:
Jenn DeWall is a certified Life & Career Coach and Motivational Speaker for Young Professional Women. Jenn is a trailblazer who challenges the status quo and works to empower women to live beyond their comfort zones and flourish in their lives and careers. She is the founder of a women’s empowerment group as well as a leadership consultant for a local HR start up. Jenn worked in Corporate America for a large fortune 500 company for almost a decade, which empowered her to become a coach and help women become leaders in their organizations. She is a nationally accredited certified coach with an MBA whom has a vast amount of knowledge and experience on what it takes to be a leader, find happiness, and create the life you love. Jenn founded her own coaching practice, Jenn DeWall Coaching, which offers both one on one, group coaching, and motivational speaking. www.chooseyourhappylife.com

To schedule a complimentary coaching session to explore how coaching can benefit you please e-mail Jenn at jenn@jenndewallcoaching.com or call her at (608) 206-3464


Networking – Love it or leave it – Some tips on how to love it!

By Rosalie Chamberlain, Owner, Rosalie Chamberlain Consulting & Coaching
and CWCC Member

RCC Logo Mark

We all know that networking is an important part of business. Whether you are in an organization or a business owner, networking is a critical factor that cannot be ignored.  It’s all about relationship and relationship building.

For some, it is a piece of cake and for others, it is often dreaded.  One way to help networking feel less daunting is to have the mindset that it is really all about the other person.  It is not about you.  If you are focused on what you want to say or what you need to accomplish, the focus is on you and it can get in the way.  Change the way you do it.  It is about making a connection with the other person.  Make it about building relationships, meeting new people, getting to know one another. Not about what I can do for you or what you can do for me. Be genuinely interested in the other – be authentic.  Step outside of yourself and focus on them. Think about how you feel when someone is genuinely interested in you.

It is about building relationships – not selling. Take the “I have to sell” piece out of the equation and just be interested in the other person. Find something interesting about them. Make a connection and follow up. (BTW, LinkedIn is a great way to do a first step follow-up.) When you are letting go of any preconceived goal or strategy that you have to accomplish some business goal and let your strategy be “meet and greet”, the pressure is relieved and a potential relationship can build.  Who knows what can follow. Once the relationship has begun, you and the other person will learn what business services and opportunities exist.

Try imagining or visualizing yourself successfully connecting and feel how it would be after having met someone interesting and you have had a great conversation. You may be stepping out of your comfort zone, so think of when you have been comfortable in other situations and bring that to the current situation.

And, of course, the art of building self-awareness comes into play. Be aware of whether the little voice inside has decided if someone is approachable or if they are someone with whom you can connect. Awareness of your thoughts, beliefs and following behaviors is a key factor. I suggest thanking the little voice for sharing and put it aside, so you can go forward and meet the other person, make it about them.  After all, it is all about connecting and building relationships.

Think about some of the business relationships you currently enjoy and how they came about. We’d love to hear your stories of how connection was made and once it was, how easy the relationship continued to grow.


About Rosalie 
Rosalie is an Executive, Leadership and Professional and Personal Development Coach with 14-years of experience working with individuals and teams, both inside and outside of corporate environments. Rosalie works with organizations and individuals to identify behaviors that motivate, inspire and create, as well as those that block creativity and performance.

Rosalie’s clients achieve high quality results by aligning talent, strengths and energy to organizational and personal goals. She helps organizations become employers of choice by leveraging the talents and strengths of their employees.  She helps individuals take charge of their careers.

Her unique executive experience as the Diversity & Inclusion Manager at the AmLaw 200 firm of Alston & Bird LLP, 15 consecutive years on FORTUNE’s “100 Best Companies to Work For”, provided opportunity to work with leadership on organizational strategies that enhanced the collaborative potential of professionals, thus providing an inclusive environment for success. She works with a range of clients in the legal, government and private industries.

Rosalie started Successful Life Coaching www.successfullifecoaching.net and Rosalie Chamberlain Consulting & Coaching www.rosaliechamberlainconsulting.com to help organizations and individuals achieve high levels of success.  She works with organizations to develop best practices to be an employer of choice and with professionals to be able to experience a fulfilling life and career.

Areas of coaching expertise include:

  • Executive
  • Leadership
  • Professional  Development
  • Personal Development
  • Life Transitions







Ways to Grow Your Network in 2012

By Diana Cordova, Colorado Women’s Chamber of Commerce

If you have visions of growing your network or building your business this year, here are a few quick tips to point you in the right direction:

  • Set monthly networking goals and stick to them e.g. commit to attend two networking functions a month and connect with six new individuals per event.
  • Build relationships outside of obvious networking events.  Get to know your vendors better, find out what your neighbor does for a living or attend a class/seminar that exposes you to new people.  These are everyday ways to expand your circle.
  • Reengage contacts from your past.  Don’t forget colleagues, clients and friends from days gone by.  Now is the perfect time to reach out and reconnect, but make sure you do so in a genuine way.

If you think these tips make sense but you’re not sure exactly where to begin, I’ve got some ideas to get you started.

Networking With Strategy Works! Part 11 is the perfect seminar to attend to get great tips on networking and meet professionals you can add to your network.  This seminar is on January 20, 2012 and is the second in a two-part series.  If you missed the first session, don’t worry, we’ll catch you up and make sure you get the information you need.

On January 25, 2012 you’ll get a chance to put your networking skills to use at our first Business After Hours of the year.  This event will be held at The Powder Room.  Look forward to networking and cultivating strong business relationships with Denver’s top business community.  As a special bonus, The Powder Room is offering 20% off your first appointment if you attend the event.  They will also do live hair and makeup demos on a couple of guests at the event.

Growing your network doesn’t have to feel like work.  Join us at these two events and see how easy it can be.

Do you have a networking tip to share?  Leave a comment with your tip(s) or to let us know about your experiences with the tips or events above.